Thursday, August 26, 2021

Aaron on HarHaZeitim

I think I saw your grandfather in the neighborhood
on the way over to your well put epitaph

I wish I could be here for long enough to smell your smoke
to clearly hear your chastisement of love
In the endless wind of this hot Ellul day

I feel you thanking me for coming
and then I imagine you questioning the idea of davening here at the kever of your body

But I'd gladly travel six thousand miles for the chance of being bundled with your ever life bound soul again

Now, after lingering, I actually have got to go
Reminds me of how I used to stay after lunch until you would "throw me out"

I'm beginning conjuring your countenance,
making a peace sign,
sending me off



Aaron on HarHaZeitim

I think I saw your grandfather in the neighborhood
on the way over to your well put epitaph

You might say I spit nickels to get here 
Yet it was right before me all along. 
(So now I feel like a Silly Billy!)

I wish I could be here for long enough to smell your smoke
to clearly hear your chastisement of love 
In the endless wind of this hot Elul day

I think of you thanking me for coming
and  then I imagine you questioning the idea of davening here at the kever of your body

But I'd gladly travel six thousand miles for the chance of being bundled with your ever life bound soul again

Now, after lingering, I actually have got to go
(The way I used to stay after lunch until you would  "throw me out")
I begin to conjure your countenance,
making a peace sign,
sending me off

Now, after lingering, I actually have got to go
(The way I used to stay after lunch until you would  "throw me out")
I begin to conjure your countenance,
making a peace sign,
sending me off


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