Thursday, November 27, 2014

9. This Father In Law's Day

I didn't know what blue was
or what it meant to be tangled up in it
so my mind made sense of the words and heard
Trying To Love You Blues
I recall this now as I listen
to the singer's son-in-law
asked by an interviewer
for a word about the man
he says, I'll tell you just this
he's great with the grand-children.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Maybe? (2010)

if a seed is held just
in your warm grasp
it will never thrive

it needs to be thrown
into the dark earth
to truly grow alive

Subway Ad (2005)

"Real People
Real Stories
Deborah Norville

But Deborah
Doesn't Look
Very Real
To Me

Sunday, November 23, 2014

6. Good Night Keyboard

Israel is very much on my mind
I can't/shouldn't leave my mourning behind
The barbaric reality has shaken me out
Despite my usual quietness I have angry things to shout
And yet I believe G-d wants me to live
He wants me to connect, He wants me to give
He wants me to be dating, to be setting up friends
He wants me to move forward through whatever life sends
So I try to set people up every now and then
And to get out there myself- if not now when
Right now I have to leap in faith, though it may not seem deep
It's time, it's time, it's time- it's time to go to sleep.


Good night and G-d bless
Sometimes I write boldly
Sometimes softly, with "may"
Depending on how He moves me

Good night and G-d bless
I write with gratefulness
That G-d blessed me with the
Ability to hope He blesses you

Good night and G-d bless
I write again and again
Sometimes as a rough draft
Sometimes as a gentle wind

Sunday, November 2, 2014

4. Mah She'Irah/Mah She'Hayah

The Rambam writes
that on the Seder night
we must speak of what happened 
and we must speak of what was
what happened happened
and what was was
what happened lives in us
the way it happened in us
and what was disappears
the actual fact was and left
and yet G-d says remember
the going out from Egypt
and the Rambam explains
know the fact that's gone
and know the live story
and so too with our life
our own life exoduses
what was was, now gone
then there's what happened
and happens- again, again
and yes, G-d says- remember
even if it's not what was
remember what happened.