Thursday, May 28, 2020

written in may, 2013

I have many poems stored away,
perhaps I'll share them another day,
or perhaps - and don't find this odd -
I'll keep them just between me and G-d,
perhaps tomorrow we will all grow wings,
and Ray Davies will prove right - it will bring better things,
perhaps I will fill my biggest hole
and connect with the internal rock star in my soul,
perhaps I'll repent for all the unhealthy foods I ate,
and my endless hunger will begin to abate,
perhaps through poetry everyone will shine,
you'll show me your poems and yes - I'll show you mine,
perhaps oh perhaps I will stop asking why
and I'll accept with calm breath rather than a sigh
perhaps oh perhaps we'll all cherish our health,
and though it seems so obvious we'll value it more than wealth,
perhaps oh perhaps we'll let go and let things be,
perhaps tomorrow you'll truly be you and I'll truly be me.

Monday, May 18, 2020


Sending blessings to you.
I need some things,
Perhaps you do as well. 

May G-d help us find
and keep balance, and health
and maintain sustenance and livelihood.

May we get much needed sleep
and know when it's OK to cry.