Thursday, May 13, 2021


 At The Ohel

I stood in front of
the wall of lit tea lights.
Feeling the combined heat
of their tiny flames.
Breathing in their smoke.
Taking in the scene
behind the door,
before the grave.
A young fellow was
re-shelving Tehillim
next to the candles.
Exuding the vibe
of a shop keeper:
"What are you looking for?"
"Nothing, " I said
meaning, everything.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

I want/don't want to share,
I like/don't like it when you stare,
I do/don't fully care
about things being unfair.

I want/don't want a companion
-announced from across the grand canyon.
It's time/not yet time for bed
despite work from which I have fled.

Facebook is/is not my friend;
it pays a complex dividend,
yet I'm here/not here again,
sucked in for an hour or ten.

There are good/bad things in the air
so for protection I now say a prayer.
I work/don't work for my own welfare.
My days can be my worst nightmare.