Monday, July 24, 2017

In Memory of Aaron Bulman

The sun is dim gold
my work day unfolds
This poem breathes
beneath my skin.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Updated from Start of This Blog


"You don't remember what happened.
What you remember becomes what happened."

- An Abundance of Katherines
by John Green
pgs. 207-208

G-d says remember Egypt
and the Rambam writes the law:
Know the facts that are gone
the alive story you can/’t imagine

What was has upped and gone
What happened happens again, again
and G-d says remember even if it's not
what was, remember what happened.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Written One Year Ago
There were two brothers
Together they shared a field
The field was named life
They struggled with jealousy
And other weeds of the field

Try this at home. Write acrostic poems about two words with opposite meanings.

Thoughts and other things are getting blurred
I don't know if I can stand for this any more
Realty in quotes will soon give way to dreams
Eventually tried gets jumbled into this feeling
Death will soon give a brief sneak preview
A way to be when not asleep, to one degree or another
Why is this state so highly rated when it's just one option?
A while goes by and you feel more or less focused
Keep away from caffeine, sugar, and lesser uppers
Eventually we will realize that this part was the dream