Monday, August 24, 2020

“It is difficult
to get the news from poems
yet men die miserably every day
for lack
of what is found there.”

― William Carlos Williams, Asphodel, That Greeny Flower & Other Love Poems

Sometimes I wish to say
in a meaningful way,

I think of all I've got
and all that I am not,

I'm tired and awake
comfortable, and I ache

And then G-d sends me news
His angel brings me cues

Saturday, August 15, 2020

 March 25, 2014

I'd show you how I glide, my feet just off the ground

How i get messages through itches in my knee caps
How i read souls for fun
But I'm afraid
More than anything 
That you wouldn't remember what I share 
And then I'll wonder what, if anything, is real

 This Is It

Would that it were
that these were they
that this was that
that come what may

If it will be
that all that was
was all he does
plus me

Then I will say yes
to this blessed mess
and thank the L-rd
for life is the best

And now then I will
put aside my wit
breathe in the moment
for this is it


Sunday, August 9, 2020

These are the rough edges of the start of a poem,
as I think of death- which spares no-one,
and I think of the lives that we all lead,
thinking about things we humans need,
asking for something I want from G-d,
no more or less than an affirmative nod,
and I find myself shuckling/swaying,
as I peck at my keyboard I find that I'm praying,
and I realize I've been doing this all along
my life is a psalm that's made me strong
and I need to pause now, whether I'm right or wrong
one way or another it's time we all move on.

"People You May Know," Translated

Someone You Dated/Almost Dated
Sibling Of Your Sibling's Friend
Fracquaintance From Childhood
They're FB Friends With Everyone
Friend's Friend,You Never Hit It Off
Person Who Never Remembers You