Monday, October 7, 2024

 "Librans are poets,"

she wrote, and
it spoke to me

and then I started to see...
my father
was he a poet...

He was a Libra like me,
from a different time...

He did his poetry in mime.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Long or short day,
Thank You either way

Days aren't short or long
Gifts from G-d can't be wrong

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

 Thoughts On Poetry

1. If you can write,
you can write a poem
2. A poem is
a collection of words
coming together and apart
via your hand, head, and heart
3. Your souls is
(naturally) poetic.
4. Forgetting nothing helps.
5. Maybe forgetting everything helps too.

Thursday, September 12, 2024


Processing my life
I am laying on my bed
Wanting to detox
That story about
the Xs on the foreheads
sits there on my screen
And the irony
is hot, I find it striking
how fitting it is
Our phones are the
wheat that makes us all crazy
this haiku, my X
Marking my forehead
my phone in the other room
I'm writing by hand
Write me a letter
send it through a blue mailbox
so we'll remember...
...I'm thinking again
about Rebbe Nachman's wheat
and the forehead marks
I think we've fallen
in a short number of years
hard, away from G-d
I write on paper
hiding from my phone, in bed
calling out to G-d
G-d bless us to read
to write each other and speak
heart to heart, off line
Oh my G-d, bless me
to work with you and be free
and learn how to see

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Life and death
the short time
in between:
mind boggling,
awe inspiring,
makes me shudder
kind of thing.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

From One Breath to the Next

I take pride in knowing
a lyric for any moment
everything about comedians
arcane, obscure, Torah facts:

Strawberries are the only fruit
with their seeds on the outside
Four is the only number that is
spelled by it's own number of letters

Sometimes, like now, I answer yes
to Ian Anderson, who asked teen me
if I "ever get the feeling that the story's
too damn real and in the present tense."

And as I yearn for companionship
I recall what Dick Smothers said
about Steve Martin, that "he's so quiet
that being with him's like being alone"

Noach and Avraham DID overlap, but
sometimes you can be alive and not
and that which saves your life once
can stifle it in another time and space

I wonder if I should shake off
the soundtrack in my head
and all the stand up routines
my too smart for the room 'tude:

But then I start to think and know
that we need accessible seeds
and we need symmetry in life
that's what we'e striving for

And words that replay in me
repay me for my attention
and help me be present
in this dream like life

And studying comedians
helps me understand me
so alive on a stage while
feeling caged by chatter

And in truth, often I use Torah
not as a tool to impress you
but the intricate insights take me
from one breath to the next

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

I put pressure on decisions
more than they pressure me

Expecting them to transform
how everything’s going to be.