Monday, September 25, 2017

I talk a good game about Torah, G-d, and belief
But I think in kindness I'll find the antidote to grief
Help me be a giver who receives
Kind relationships that don't deceive

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Waning Tzom Gedalia

I'm sitting facing my screen
like an alien summoned;
not me as my highest self.

It's been a Jewish fast day,
now ending its last minutes-
slowly, slowly winding down.

Eating after a fast day
ends with one of those thresholds
with polarized pre and post.

And though I strongly protest
I must confess that I like
before way more than after.

I like having strong hunger
because it awakens me
out of being a zombie.

Right now I am craving food
or so part of my thoughts think
but more-so i long for G-d.

There are worse things I could do
than sit here in at-one-ment
postponing my break-fast meal.

This screen is a place of prayer
not the only one, but one
now, during these holy days.

So I sit here and I breathe
and I pray to have belief
on this threshold's other side.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

I write for myself with
the secret wish that you
will take my words to heart.
I don't know who you are
but I know I'm alone.
And I'm resisting bed.
And I have this yearning
to be seen, heard, and read,
by someone, maybe you.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

When you made a point
of signing off by
calling me bro
It was almost like
mentioning that you
have a boyfriend
though I know you don't
because that is almost
all you talk to me about.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

In re-setting me up,
when she said "the frummer one"
I knew who she meant,
and how backwards she was
in her thinking, in her living
because "the frummer one"
isn't one to daven or learn
or seek closeness to G-d
and the "less frum one"
wakes up at five for minyan
and lives to learn and teach Torah
and is so careful with her words.
But to this set 'em upper, labels
like left and right are what count
not what's left of what's right
when you stop talking
and honestly look at
what's behind the label

Monday, September 11, 2017

I am isolated. I am blessed with family and friends.
My apartment does not get direct sunlight. I have an apartment.
I am hungry at this moment. I have access to more food than I need.
My job exhausts me. I am blessed in my work to interact, to connect, to teach.
I write on Facebook. I write on Facebook.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

He confided me
with which bed he himself owns
but I still don't get
how the Mattress Firm salesman
is able to sleep at night

Saturday, September 9, 2017


You don't love glue
in and of itself,
you love what's bound
invisibly by glue.

When the glue has gone
you realize it was there
like the Holy Ghost
hovering behind
the Father and Son.

You realize that you
loved the glue itself
for what it did for you
that you never knew.