Sunday, May 26, 2019


By Neil Fleischmann
The problem with a Spanish soap opera
- I realize while glimpsing an American soap opera -
is not that it's in Spanish, but that it's a soap opera
The problem with people from other countries
who barely know English and often come across as off
is not that they don't know English, but that they're off
My problem of understanding you
as you dismiss me with
"It's not you it's me," is you.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

The light is hidden where it likes to hide,
Where I don't think to look- it's hidden inside.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Right Now

I want/don't want to share,
I like/don't like it when you stare,
I do/don't fully care
about things being unfair.

I want/don't want a companion
-announced from across the grand canyon.
It's time/not yet time for bed
despite work from which I have fled.

Facebook is/is not my friend;
it pays a complex dividend,
yet I'm here/not here again,
sucked in for an hour or ten.

There are good/bad things in the air
so for protection I now say a prayer.
I work/don't work for my own welfare.
My days can be my worst nightmare.