Saturday, July 23, 2022


Strong. Strong. Strong. That's how the woman at the table nearby me comes across. I sensed it the whole time. And she's loud loud loud. And not just strong but pushy. At first the older and younger woman were talking about nothing and still she was harsh and judgmental. Then she said that she had to bring up something uncomfortable. I thought that the chitchat had her being unduly aggressive, but that was nothing. Now the topic turned to some kind of a party and how this older person who knows the person making the party better than she knows anyone in the world isn't comfortable in a kosher,/"Orthodox" environment. It's "not who she is." It gets "complicated/Byzantine." Everyone has to compromise, especially this young person, but not this older person. She doesn't want the party if this young person (granddaughter? niece?) (this young person is not dressed in old school Orthodox fashion - she's got midriff exposed, skinny pants, very short sleeves,etc.) is not happy, she says unconvincingly. Now she's stressing and repeating the word IF. You can bring food to the one place we found that will allow it IF that will make you young woman happy - IF. I don't know how this woman's family handles her. I'm having a hard time just sitting near her. This was a vent. They've left the restaurant and I feel a bit better. Sorry if anything here was offensive or unfair. Just a hopefully harmless, helpful, vent.

One Year Ago, Today

 I sing to myself a song about G-d being my driver, taking the scenic route, and how He’ll get me to where I need to be:

This is the longer, shorter way. Without resting in the verdant gardens, and walking along the peaceful waters where my Shepherd leads me , my soul wouldn’t receive the healing it needs.
He leads me through the same circle-ings repeatedly until I get Righteousness, and Truth.
I walk in dark shadows and I don’t fear anything, not even death. G-d is with me as I travel through every stage of this one and only, never-ending, life.
G-d’s hard hits and His steady support each comfort me.
I am seated at the head of G-d’s banquet table, though those who see with negative eyes look to pull out the tablecloth from under all the delicacies set out for me.
G-d soothes and salutes me from top to bottom, satiates me, steadies my hand to hold the overflowing cup He has filled for me.
Because G-d’s House is my home base, goodness and kindness will catch up with me in time.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022


Neil Fleischmann
Last edited May 5, 2021
0 minute read

Freshly Written

40 Years On

I don't remember what game it was

But I remember playing it

It was girls against boys

They were trying to catch us

But no-one was running after me

Then one girl chased me for a bit

And I remain grateful today


Times and roles have changed

He thanks me and it throws me

And it breaks my heart

For I love his tenderness

Yet it's not exactly him


We talk around things

Arguments about hampers

Are not about that

Things are metaphorical

While remaining what they are


He tried to be kind

He tried to process the day

And then the sun rose

And he sighed and then he prayed

Then he ate and went to sleep